Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cures.....what's the truth?

Today I got a shout from a friend that was outraged at LinkedIn pulling a book for being too controversial in it's subject matter. It was a self help book to cure cancer. As an herbalist I have seen first hand the effects that the real world has done for our life, our body's with chemically laden food, little nutrients and stressful lives wreaking havoc on us all.

So I know the next question....IS there a cure for cancer? The answer is yes and no. By that I mean that cancer can be reversed; or slowed with alternative help. But the cures are as many as the types of cancer there are. This means that there is not a one step fix all for all cancers. As I've studied cancer and other devastating diseases; I've realized just how very complex good health can be for someone that's let themselves go.

First off I have to say that this is my opinion of alternative health; and if you have issues of cancer or other diseases I suggest you to get to a medical professional and talk to them as well. I am speaking from MY point of view of what I'd do if I was sick. Now having said that; you are the one that needs to decide what and how you will treat it. No one should make you feel bad about alternatives; in fact I would RUN not walk away from any professional that does not listen to your concerns and validate your ideas.

The issue of cancer is complex for many reasons but most of the reasons stem from diet. I know that this is something everyone keeps saying but the thing is; if you don't get great food energy into your body then you will NEVER be well; it's like playing a defensive game. You need to be able to heal the cells; repair the body and it's issues or your body will break down.....this is only a matter of time.

Now to those that have been affected by this disease or other diseases of the body; such as MS or other auto immune diseases; this problem is something that has been going on for years. It's not like a piano fell on you from the clear blue sky. Your choices of food, your choices of medicine; your choices of vaccinations may have been at play here. I am not pointing fingers; I too have been guilty of eating poorly, taking the flu shot and going to the doctor for the next new poison they offer. But I learned years ago that I was going the wrong way health wise and changed my attitude toward health.

So where to start. I recommend several things to do in the case of a serious illness. First of all you need to eliminate all toxins that you can possibly eliminate. Pesticides in food, water contamination, toxins in house cleaners and personal body items need to be eliminated with organic food, purified water and changing your hygiene habits to come next.

Then you need to address WHAT to eat. I recommend; as many others do as well; a diet as full of raw organic as possible. I believe that most health issues can be resolved with a pH balance of 7.0 being the optimal place for healing within the body. How do you check for pH? It's a simple test with a litmus paper; found at the health food store that you either urinate on or spit on; first thing in the morning before brushing or any food or liquid.
I believe as an alternative professional that disease cannot live inside a pH balanced body. There are many foods that will help in this quest of better pH. Lemons, greens, low carb, lower protein all play a part in the effort to heal.

Next we need to address parasites. These tiny creatures are prevalent in society and have been around as long as man has with health issues being contributed to the little pests in many cases. Most health professionals will tell you that you don't need to worry about it; that your diet is not the issue or that they just plain don't exist. Yet many many more people are having health related issues from these critters.....they are very common not only in third world countries but our own as well. Brain tumors are at an all time high with as many as dozens of surgery's being performed in Arizona each month! The physicians are telling people that uncooked pork is the issue; that cooking it to 180 F will kill any parasite but I can assure you that this is a falsehood. It DOES NOT KILL THE EGG.  And so if the pork steak or roast, bacon or sausage is contaminated; so you will be if eaten or handled.

Here is a video of a brain worm; please note this is pretty graphic so use caution and note that the doctor is concerned about the amount of them in their state. This is a real problem!

The things you can do are many; from addressing stress with flower essences and herbs, from changing diet and lifestyle, from eliminating toxins such as lawn fertilizers to the perfume you wear.

Lastly I want you to remember that YOU are in charge of your life; not your doctor, your healer or your mother. YOU have the ability to heal yourself as soon as you know you are in charge.
So take the time to look at the facts I've presented and remember that you can heal; you can change and you   CAN be well. It's all up to you.

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