Saturday, May 28, 2011

Capsicum ~ The Wonder Herb

I've been asked many many times about herbs and one thing a great deal of people have said is this. If I could recommend one herbal supplement and only one what would it be for the masses? I always have this answer - Capsicum!

I know to many this seems a strange answer and truthfully I believed as they did before my studies. But the fact is that Capsicum is an amazing help for the body and also for the mental issues that plague our society.

Here is a small list of the things that have been known to be helped by this amazing supplement.

Capsicum lowers triglycerides; therefore raising metabolism which will help with weight loss.

It's been known to fight cancer by stopping the cancer cells from binding with DNA; therefore possibly preventing cancer when taken regularly.

Due to where Capsicum is found; in veggies such as peppers; it's a well known anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are powerful tools for the body to prevent disease from forming by stopping free radicals from damaging cellular bodies such as cardiovascular systems and other parts of the body.

One of the most important things Capsicum does is to stop inflammation in the body. Herbalists believe this is a Yang herb; meaning that it moves energy away from the body. Therefore if Capsicum is Yang; it will move heat and moisture away from that part of the body. So a cream made of Capsicum will help to cool and lesson inflammation in that particular area. It is great for ulcers, and the digestive system in general and is a wonderful help for arthritis as it will take the heat and inflammation from the joints and surrounding tissues.

It has been shown to fight bacterial issues and is well documented to boost the immune system.

Because it's Yang properties are so well founded; it's been shown to help with depression and to help the body in general in a malaise by being a wonderful stimulant. This is not only beneficial to the body as a way to get the body's systems' moving but to help the person who is plagued by depression and other mental issues. Studies have shown that it helps cardiovascular issues and may be used to possibly help with dementia related to cardiovascular disease.

This wonderful herb is a true gift from God with it's ability to help many health issues and it's abundance gives us many avenues of help through diet and supplements.
Try using Capsicum the next time you get a cold and feel that you want to try something other than the over the counter meds regularly given for this condition and see if this amazing herbal supplement doesn't work faster and more efficiently than the normal meds!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Happy Body....

As I go through my email and figure out the week I see some very big similarities with most of my clients. Although these are people that come from many walks of life; all different ages and sizes; I see the same thing. They need to be clean from the inside out.

Now to the average person; this tends to frighten them a little. They have visions of colon cleanses; harsh smelling herbs and enemas. This is not necessarily the case. Most people; if they live in the USA; eat way too much junk food. Now this is not always in the form of a fast food meal; it can be the package of macaroni and cheese for lunch or the hamburger and fries at supper. We almost all eat way too much salt, sugar and processed food; even me.

But to have a healthy body we need to understand that this means getting rid of things the body cannot utilize. And to do so we need to make sure the “plumbing” is working fine. If you eat three times a day you should have a bowel movement three times a day; a good one too. Now most people are going to get embarrassed when I ask the question about their bowels but really it's just a matter of thinking of your intestines as a garbage disposal. If you put stuff in; you expect it to grind up and remove those products out the other end; the only difference being that the garbage disposal doesn't need to get any nutrients out of the food it's grinding up.

Now to do this we need roughage and lots of fluid to help it all go through. This is particularly good if you eat too much fat or sugar. And then there is the whole digestion thing. We need to eat foods that actually need a lot of digesting to help the “Brillo pad” cleaning of the sides of the intestinal wall.
This acts as a scrubber to help not only clean but to build up the tone of the wall so that in later years we don't get diverticulitis or a prolapsed colon. Diverticulitis is a disorder where pockets form on the wall of the intestines catching certain foods like seeds and roughage. This leads to inflammation and even bowel death. A prolapsed colon is when the transverse (the part that goes across the body at the top) colon sags; usually due to a full area that has built up feces over a period of years. This is every bit as horrible as it sounds. And this can lead to chronic conditions that may end up with surgery to correct or even cancer.

So how do we keep our gut in alignment with our body's health? We need to eat well; lots of raw veggies and fruits (skin on if possible!) and lots of water. So what if that doesn't work? Do we give up? No; we don't. Contrary to popular traditional medicines belief that going to the bathroom every three or four days may be normal for you; you absolutely need to eliminate at least two to three times daily.

If you are like I used to be; this is a novel thought. And a difficult problem to address. It has literally taken years to get my intestines to do what God intended. And this is directly due to herbs. My diet was not so bad but my colon health was horrific. As I learned more about colon health I realized that the nerve response from my brain to my colon was almost nil. This lead to a lack of response; no matter what I ate or drank.

So when I went to my herbalist; she put me on an herbal laxative that had Cascara Sagrada in it among other things. And still it took time. For most people; Cascara Sagrada or Senna will work almost too well. But for me it was just a flicker of help. It literally took months before I saw real changes in my bowels and in my health. After all; it took most of my life to get this way; and one week was not going to fix everything!

Another thing to keep in mind when working out this problem is to realize that diarrhea can be part of this fix. We may need to deal with bouts of stomach purging somewhat as the body tries to right itself of the years of abuse we've heaped on it. Now I don't expect a client to suffer through a week of that kind of abuse to the body. That can lead to other issues. But as the body learns to right itself with the proper movements through the right absorption of fluid and doing all the right things to make the body work right; it may have a few hiccups in the process. This is not a bad thing. In fact; most people will tell you that after a bout of this kind of action by the body; a person literally feels much better. If you suffer from a cold or another health issue; may find that this alleviates or eliminates the problem altogether! Now you might wonder why that is. Well the body is removing loads of toxins that cause inflammation and poisons such as germs and fungus in this process. Naturally the body will feel a sense of relief at this leaving the body! That is why an enema was the first choice for many doctors and parents many years ago when a child was sick. They knew that the body needed to get rid of the disease and this was a great way to do it quickly and efficiently. Herbalists will sometimes even recommend using essential oils or herbs in the warm solution to help things along. There are many things you can do; but it's best to consult a professional before trying an herb or essential oil as some are too stimulating or can burn the mucus membranes.

So the next time you go to the store; remember your veggies and fruits. It's important to know that you need at least 5 to 7 servings of raw food each day to keep the colon and body happy!

Being What I Am.....

As of late I've come under scrutiny for comments I've made about others ideas.
Here's the thing people....I'm an herbalist; not a salesman of herbs. I'm not an Amway dealer or a Swanson man. I don't do this to make money or to make a living. I'm an herbalist because that is who I am. I help people to recognize problems with their lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, supplements and attitude toward life.
Sometimes people understand that and sometimes they don't but I will not waver on these core beliefs that I have.

One person recently said that she did not use Natures' Sunshine products because she saw that they didn't “work” for me.....meaning that I wasn't a size 3. Well I want to clarify something....I hope to never be a size 3 again because that would mean that I'm seriously ill and I don't intend to ever be that way again. As for whether the NSP products work....they do.

Four years ago I was seriously ill with a lung infection that nearly killed me and was so crippled from pain that I could barely walk. I had asthma and stomach issues as well as a host of other problems. All of these problems have resolved themselves; not just through herbal supplements but through learning what my body needs.

And lest you think this is a note to sell products; think again. It's a challenge to all that would believe that I am a pill pusher; a used car salesman of supplements. I teach. I educate those that wish to actually listen.

If I make you uncomfortable in what I say; If I make you think about what your doing to your body then I've done my job. I was not put here on Gods's green earth to make you smile or to pat you on the back. I was put here to be the boot camp sergeant that gets in your face and tells you that if you don't want to be sickly lump of humanity then you need to be proactive in your health!!

I am also a huge advocate of those that are warriors of the untruths of chemicals and the FDA, CDC and other corrupt organizations that would have you believe that the Mac burger you just ate for lunch is just fine......that will never be fine with me and I will tell you to your face.

So delete me or block me; mock me or laugh at me but I will not be silenced and I want you and everyone else to know that if I'm a downer then it's because that is my JOB as an herbalist to make you see the truth. As for my family that does understand; my friends that do believe; I happen to be a pretty happy person most of the time. But to the idiot people out there that do not believe and wish to poo poo me; I'm gonna still be here ….and you will be long gone from poisoning yourselves with God know's what....and for that I will be very sorry indeed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Alternative Remedies for Felines

This week we had a bit of a problem in our household in the form of a sick cat. Our household has many animals with the bulk of them being my daughters “children” as she is not able to have them with her at this time.

She has two long haired cats; Aarik and Boomer and a collie mix dog; Patch.
For the most part we all get along with a few shining exceptions to the rule.
But several days ago I went to pick up Kris' cat Boomer and about got my hand taken off at the wrist. He was in big pain and I realized he had a problem urinating. This is a real issue with some animals; especially cats as they're prone to UTI infections and stones.

Of course the day I noticed this was Saturday.....great....double the cost at the vets.
Normally I have some things for animals in my medicine cabinet for all illness.
Cats however are much more selective in what they can ingest without issue.
In fact; many things that I can eat or drink are actually toxic to cats. Dogs are not quite as particular to their health but they also have things they cannot eat without problems.

I was sure Boomer had a UTI or a stone as he was having bloody urine and was distended in the stomach. So away we went after a quick call to the vet. Our veterinary office is located in a near by town; approximately 35 miles from my farm. Boomer was very uncomfortable but after we got him catheterized and a shot to help this issue; we were home again. I realized that he was not drinking enough and was probably not getting to the bathroom in a timely manner; which made me realize that I needed another cat litter box. Ideally you should have have one more cat litter box than cats in your household but I simply do not have enough room for four cat litter boxes! I actually had only two but found a place to put another one in the upstairs area; which is perfect for him as that is his sanctuary. Hopefully this will help but I also realized that I need to have some more basic herbs on hand for my animals.

The first thing you think of in any situation with an animal is how to stop pain. There are many things you can do for an animal in pain but there are also some things extraordinarily dangerous as well! The next thing to consider for your cat or dog is what to do to help the immune system; then there is the issue we've had to deal with; urinary tract infections. Also another thing to consider is eye and joint health as animals have these issues frequently and can cause serious problems if left untreated.
All these factors are important to the longevity and quality of health for your pet.

I will address only cats in this section as the list for dogs is much longer and should be addressed separately.

Here is a small list I've compiled but covers the basic needs of an animal. I also don't wish to give you the idea that this should be all you do for your pet. As I'm not as learned in veterinary herbs as in humans; I do suggest strongly that you consult your pets doctor before using these recommendations.

works well to wash infected eyes and to sooth inflammations of the eye. Please consult your vet if conditions don't improve as the animal can go blind if it does not heal in a timely manner.

Poppy Seed is a good remedy to numb the pain and as a sedative.

Slippery Elm is a great herb to help inflammation; good for bladder spasms.

is a wonderful treat to help the stomach of upset; It's stimulating qualities are good to help remove toxins as well.

Milk Thistle is a very old remedy for the liver and is tops at helping with gall stones. It has properties of boosting the immune system and is known to help animals with tumors and diabetes.

is the age old remedy of being a stimulant to cats if smelled and interestingly enough; a sedative if ingested. It is not effective on all animals as a stimulant with approximately only 50% of cats responding to it.

Hawthorn is an effective herb to treat cardiac issues in both cats and dogs. It is long known to help by opening the blood flow to the heart; thus improving circulation and healing.

Another help for the cardiovascular system in cats is Ginko Biloba; especially the effects of aging.

Couchgrass otherwise known as Quackgrass is particularly effective in helping the urinary tract with properties of being anti inflammatory and as a demulcent. This would have helped Boomer immensity.

Dandelion is very effective in helping to cleanse the kidneys and work as a blood cleanser which is why people used to make dandelion tincture in the spring as the first sprouts came out of the ground. It tends to be a diuretic so keep this in mind when using this herb. This herb can cause issues with an already inflamed gall bladder so consult your veterinarian before using.

Bugleweed has been an effective way to treat types of thyroid disease in cats with great results; in hyperthyroidism only. Do not use with an animal suffering from hypothyroidism.

Chamomile and Valerian are both effective in treating agitation in cats; with soothing, calming properties. You can also use Lavender Essence on the skin under the coat on the back of the neck for extra help to calm an animal.
One flower essence I love to use for a nervous animal is to use Nature's Sunshine
Rescue Remedy. This combination of flower essences is perfect to help calm the cat or dog in tense situations. Put 4 to 6 drops on the skin under the coat at the back of the neck; repeating two or three times a day as needed.

It's important to remember that God gave us these beautiful creatures and it's up to us to give them the best life they can have. They can't speak to us as a child would so we need to be especially vigilant in their behavior and actions to note health changes. With herbs, essential oils and flower essences; along with a great diet and exercise; we can have a healthy, happy animal for years to come!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Losing a Friend

Today I lost a dear friend. Oh not the way it sounds; I lost one due to the well meaning intentions of my advice.
This all started a couple of days ago.....
I started out the day like I always do....checking and rechecking all my emails and social sites for people wanting answers to herbal questions and finding that I have no big issues to discuss; decided to hit a social site that is popular with all my friends.

As I was checking the site; noticed that a great friend and fellow alternative health enthusiast was discussing the dangers of a narcotic drug to a mutual friend that was prescribed by her doctor for pain. I put in my two cents and all hell broke out. I decided it would be best to step back and mull this over. After all; I didn't start the conversation and I didn't think it would be wise to fly off the handle. Never the less; today I decided that something more needed to be said and I said it. That was a mistake. The next thing I know; people are accusing me of wishing her death; accusing others of overstepping their boundaries and most of all; everyone getting in a heated debate over herb safety vs traditional meds.

The reason this was done was simple. I gave an opinion of something that was absolutely none of my business. Sure I did it in the spirit of friendship; thinking this person would actually help themselves to my knowledge and the co writer of this message. But what I have had to learn and re learn in the field I've chosen is this. Some people do not want my advice....some people do not want to quit high powered meds (even if they are dangerous and don't work well) and some people even may want to stay sick.

How can that be? The answer is as complex as human nature can be. First of all; a person has to realize why they are sick in the first place. Sometimes it's an old emotional issue that makes us hold onto our emotions and or try to “medicate” to make them go away. Sometimes it's a case of the person not knowing what to be if they aren't their illness. For instance a client of mine is convinced that they are never going to get well; but this illness keeps them full of warm fuzzys from well meaning friends feeling sorry for them. This person lives alone and has no one to make them feel special so they hang on to this illness as the only way they can get attention. If you asked them they would be appalled and deny this was happening. But when I put them on a flower essence they changed; so dramatically that they are now a much different person then a year ago!

This is a major undertaking in most people. You see we are taught by the medical field that disease hits us like a thief in the night; like a tornado or a mad dog; we don't know who will get it or how bad it'll be. This is not what alternative practitioners believe at all. In fact we believe that we are in charge of our health at all stages of our life. Our eating, and living choices are paramount to the health we have by those choices. Now having said that; yes we all die someday; but how long we live and how well well we live can be directly and indirectly be related to how this all ends up. Disease to us is a manifestation of how we take care of ourselves; not a Russian Roulette game with God.

It was mentioned today that herbs kill people too; that they are as dangerous as traditional meds are and that it's just a lifestyle choice which meds you wish to use. I would like to address this issue as it is probably the most incorrect of all the things said.
In the herbal world there are thousands of plants, roots and other parts of the plant kingdom that are utilized for the treatment of imbalances of the body. Some are used topically and others are able to be ingested.....some can be used for both purposes.
As an herbalist I find that most herbs are mild and extremely helpful in the world of health. While there are some that are considered cautionary and some even dangerous I don't see problems much in my line of work.
As an herbalist I treat the body; not the disease. I help the emotional person with liver herbs because a happy liver is a happy person. I recommend Aloe for the person with skin conditions as well as liver and kidney herbs to flush toxins from the body and therefore help the skin to heal. I don't use some herbs ever; such as Belladona or Blue Cohosh as they can be life threatening. They are unstable for use in someone that doesn't know their potential and I don't feel comfortable in dealing with potential problems.
However; in saying these things I find that most people don't have any issue with herbs at all. The biggest complaint I have heard is “I'm sick of taking pills!” or “ I have some diarrhea and don't like it”.....these are common complaints. It does get old taking pills; and there are many ways to help this; such as taking them all at once by opening them up and mixing with yogurt or blending in a smoothie (tastes awful though) but for most there are no issues.
The second complaint of diarrhea is a very common one; in fact not a bad thing at all when you consider what the body is doing. The body is designed to utilize food and water as best it can and then eliminate excess with the toxins in tow. If the body is toxic or stagnant; the tissues can become inflamed and sore; leading to health issues. This causes untold series of issues and will end in major disease if left untreated. So diarrhea is the body's way of eliminating a huge amount of toxins in a short period of time. Herbs help the body to actually work better to remove those toxins as well as utilize the food we eat and the water we drink. Now having said that; I don't recommend anyone having more than a day or two of diarrhea; and drinking lots of good clean water to replenish the fluids of the body. If you've ever had a bout with diarrhea you'll notice that you feel less heavy and tired after you replenish the body's water and nutrient intake in the following days. This is most helpful to the person as a whole as it eliminates many of the person's toxins easily.

The other issue I had with the idea of herbs being dangerous as meds was this. Traditional medications are very strong. In fact; the herbal world refers to most prescription and over the counter meds as poisons....which means that they are poisonous if taken in access. These medications are toxic if they are mixed with others and can actually kill a person by shutting down the body's functions. In contrast; if you take too much of most any herb; the most common side effect is diarrhea....the elimination of too much of something. When the amount of herb is back in balance in the body; the diarrhea leaves. Simple isn't it?

The point I'm trying to make here is this. Herbs are milder; more effective and for the most part less dangerous by far than the average aspirin at the drug store. This is an important distinction to make when you are faced with serious life threatening illness or disease.
So the next time you reach for the bottle of pills in your medicine cupboard; remember that the things you ingest can have a long term effect on all of you; not just the part that you are treating.