As of late I've come under scrutiny for comments I've made about others ideas.
Here's the thing people....I'm an herbalist; not a salesman of herbs. I'm not an Amway dealer or a Swanson man. I don't do this to make money or to make a living. I'm an herbalist because that is who I am. I help people to recognize problems with their lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, supplements and attitude toward life.
Sometimes people understand that and sometimes they don't but I will not waver on these core beliefs that I have.
One person recently said that she did not use Natures' Sunshine products because she saw that they didn't “work” for me.....meaning that I wasn't a size 3. Well I want to clarify something....I hope to never be a size 3 again because that would mean that I'm seriously ill and I don't intend to ever be that way again. As for whether the NSP products work....they do.
Four years ago I was seriously ill with a lung infection that nearly killed me and was so crippled from pain that I could barely walk. I had asthma and stomach issues as well as a host of other problems. All of these problems have resolved themselves; not just through herbal supplements but through learning what my body needs.
And lest you think this is a note to sell products; think again. It's a challenge to all that would believe that I am a pill pusher; a used car salesman of supplements. I teach. I educate those that wish to actually listen.
If I make you uncomfortable in what I say; If I make you think about what your doing to your body then I've done my job. I was not put here on Gods's green earth to make you smile or to pat you on the back. I was put here to be the boot camp sergeant that gets in your face and tells you that if you don't want to be sickly lump of humanity then you need to be proactive in your health!!
I am also a huge advocate of those that are warriors of the untruths of chemicals and the FDA, CDC and other corrupt organizations that would have you believe that the Mac burger you just ate for lunch is just fine......that will never be fine with me and I will tell you to your face.
So delete me or block me; mock me or laugh at me but I will not be silenced and I want you and everyone else to know that if I'm a downer then it's because that is my JOB as an herbalist to make you see the truth. As for my family that does understand; my friends that do believe; I happen to be a pretty happy person most of the time. But to the idiot people out there that do not believe and wish to poo poo me; I'm gonna still be here ….and you will be long gone from poisoning yourselves with God know's what....and for that I will be very sorry indeed.
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