Today I got a shout from a friend that was outraged at LinkedIn pulling a book for being too controversial in it's subject matter. It was a self help book to cure cancer. As an herbalist I have seen first hand the effects that the real world has done for our life, our body's with chemically laden food, little nutrients and stressful lives wreaking havoc on us all.
So I know the next question....IS there a cure for cancer? The answer is yes and no. By that I mean that cancer can be reversed; or slowed with alternative help. But the cures are as many as the types of cancer there are. This means that there is not a one step fix all for all cancers. As I've studied cancer and other devastating diseases; I've realized just how very complex good health can be for someone that's let themselves go.
First off I have to say that this is my opinion of alternative health; and if you have issues of cancer or other diseases I suggest you to get to a medical professional and talk to them as well. I am speaking from MY point of view of what I'd do if I was sick. Now having said that; you are the one that needs to decide what and how you will treat it. No one should make you feel bad about alternatives; in fact I would RUN not walk away from any professional that does not listen to your concerns and validate your ideas.
The issue of cancer is complex for many reasons but most of the reasons stem from diet. I know that this is something everyone keeps saying but the thing is; if you don't get great food energy into your body then you will NEVER be well; it's like playing a defensive game. You need to be able to heal the cells; repair the body and it's issues or your body will break down.....this is only a matter of time.
Now to those that have been affected by this disease or other diseases of the body; such as MS or other auto immune diseases; this problem is something that has been going on for years. It's not like a piano fell on you from the clear blue sky. Your choices of food, your choices of medicine; your choices of vaccinations may have been at play here. I am not pointing fingers; I too have been guilty of eating poorly, taking the flu shot and going to the doctor for the next new poison they offer. But I learned years ago that I was going the wrong way health wise and changed my attitude toward health.
So where to start. I recommend several things to do in the case of a serious illness. First of all you need to eliminate all toxins that you can possibly eliminate. Pesticides in food, water contamination, toxins in house cleaners and personal body items need to be eliminated with organic food, purified water and changing your hygiene habits to come next.
Then you need to address WHAT to eat. I recommend; as many others do as well; a diet as full of raw organic as possible. I believe that most health issues can be resolved with a pH balance of 7.0 being the optimal place for healing within the body. How do you check for pH? It's a simple test with a litmus paper; found at the health food store that you either urinate on or spit on; first thing in the morning before brushing or any food or liquid.
I believe as an alternative professional that disease cannot live inside a pH balanced body. There are many foods that will help in this quest of better pH. Lemons, greens, low carb, lower protein all play a part in the effort to heal.
Next we need to address parasites. These tiny creatures are prevalent in society and have been around as long as man has with health issues being contributed to the little pests in many cases. Most health professionals will tell you that you don't need to worry about it; that your diet is not the issue or that they just plain don't exist. Yet many many more people are having health related issues from these critters.....they are very common not only in third world countries but our own as well. Brain tumors are at an all time high with as many as dozens of surgery's being performed in Arizona each month! The physicians are telling people that uncooked pork is the issue; that cooking it to 180 F will kill any parasite but I can assure you that this is a falsehood. It DOES NOT KILL THE EGG. And so if the pork steak or roast, bacon or sausage is contaminated; so you will be if eaten or handled.
Here is a video of a brain worm; please note this is pretty graphic so use caution and note that the doctor is concerned about the amount of them in their state. This is a real problem!,2933,455067,00.html
The things you can do are many; from addressing stress with flower essences and herbs, from changing diet and lifestyle, from eliminating toxins such as lawn fertilizers to the perfume you wear.
Lastly I want you to remember that YOU are in charge of your life; not your doctor, your healer or your mother. YOU have the ability to heal yourself as soon as you know you are in charge.
So take the time to look at the facts I've presented and remember that you can heal; you can change and you CAN be well. It's all up to you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
As I look
back to when I was a young mom; one thing that always stands out is how tired
and hassled I always felt. I was a busy person before I had two wonderful kids;
I was manically busy afterwards. With helping my husband with farming, feeding
hired men and the family; gardening, crafting and caring for elderly family
members; I had a full load.
But one
thing I always managed to do was take some time for myself. I learned early on
that a grumpy Kim was no good to anyone and snapping at your kids was not the
answer to the problem that ailed me…..I needed some quiet time.
It’s funny
but we always seem to know that when our kids are having a meltdown from too
much stimulation, too little sleep; they need a “time out” in the form of a
nap or just a quiet space like their rooms. So why do we have such a hard time
understanding that with ourselves?!
is a great way to help the body to get back into balance; helps the brain to
function and lowers blood pressure as well as boosting the immune system. By meditating
I don’t mean necessarily sitting on the floor, cross legged, humming a mindless
tune. I mean taking a quiet spot and making it your sanctuary. This can be a
place in your bedroom, your living room, even a garden shed! Just find a spot
where people are not traipsing through and get a good book or a piece of
needlepoint and spend some quality time letting your mind flow freely, away
from chores.
When I was a
new mother for the first time I had a very colicky sick child. Kristin was
crying almost nonstop for the first nine months after she was born. She slept
almost not at all; which meant that I didn’t either. But when I put her down at
eleven o’clock in the evening; I would pick up the crosstitch piece that I was
working on and be at it until one a.m. when she woke again. My husband knew I
was exhausted and asked me why I would do this; totally flabbergasted at my
behavior. I replied "I need time to unwind”….and I did. It worked wonders on my
attitude and although I got even less sleep; found it centered me to the point
that I could function much better during the day.
As the kids
got older; I found that summer was a terrible time to try to find any solace
in the house with them being underfoot. So I would rise from bed before the
dawn and have a quiet cup of tea and head out to the garden until hungry kids
would urge me to come make breakfast. I even taught my littlest one to come out
to the garden patch if he couldn’t find me. I can’t tell you how many times
Casey would be seen; sleeper jammies on, dragging blankie and sucking his
thumb; wanting his morning oatmeal. I even learned that organic gardening was imperative
with him stuffing himself with strawberry’s while there.
So today on
this fine Sunday morning I want you to walk around your place; pick a quiet
nook and just sit for a few minutes. Close your eyes and let your mind take you
to places beyond the dirty dishes; beyond the screaming kids.
This place
of sanctuary is yours. And it will become your best friend if you let it.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
To Supplement or Not.....
As I work
with people to get to a better, healthier body and life; I find that most people
are really trying to do just about anything to get the slimmed toned body.
One of the
things I find many do is supplements. These are anything from the most
expensive designer type protein shakes and powders to the low cost
multivitamins at a discount store.
Most people
that know me as an herbalist know I do recommend using the company’s products I
work with that they provide. And although I am a distributer don’t have any
problem with other quality supplements. The problem I do have is that I don’t
know which ones are best without study. The misinformation, even blatant lying
of these companies makes my head want to explode!
So what’s
the big deal? Why do I care whether someone wastes their money on worthless
products? It’s when I see someone taking these supplements I realize something
that they don’t. Supplements can harm!
I know, I
know, I’m always telling people that most supplements don’t usually cause
injury. But I am talking about the company I know and trust. I’m talking about
them using supplements I’ve suggested with the knowledge that I provide in a
session. The truth is; some supplements can harm. No, most don’t cause serious
issues but there are a list of supplements that I will absolutely have issue
One of the first
on my list is the plain old multi-vitamin.
Found in just about every store that sells food or prescriptions; the infamous
multi-vitamin at first glance would seem to be the perfect thing to supplement
the less than stellar American diet. But even the glossy box and nutrient label
that swears to have over 100% of all the needed vitamins and minerals in a day;
are less than helpful to the average person.
And truth be told; many have too much of some
nutrients and less than absorbable quality ingredients. Almost all the cheaper
ones are mostly filler. So what’s the big deal with this? Look to some of the
side effects of the following culprits.
Calcium has to be one of the worst for me; not
only because so many are taking it; but because the wrong calcium can actually
cause serious harm!
understand how calcium can cause issue we first have to understand how the body
works. When you digest food and it goes into the stomach, the body has to break
it down into manageable pieces, which is what hydrochloric acid does. Then food
enzymes carry those nutrients to the parts of the body that need them. However
when the body receives a food or nutrient that they cannot utilize, such as a
form of calcium that is not digestible for the body; then it will actually pull
calcium out of bones and other tissues to make an enzyme to cart it off. It
will go to the brain, liver, and kidneys; sometimes ending up in arteries. This
leads to heart disease, kidney death and even dementia! Ever notice those
commercials for catheters? I’ve lived long enough to know that this is a new phenomenon. And worse; it’s our women that are having the
brunt of the problem because doctors are prescribing this poison to all women
in the mistaken idea that calcium makes strong bones. It can but it’s a lot
more complicated than drinking a glass of milk or popping a pill. And with the
wrong calcium we now have a virtual epidemic of women whose kidneys have
stopped working properly!
horrific supplement I find is the metabolic accelerator. These supplements “rev
up” the body’s fat burning systems and make the person feel energized and
healthy. This could not be farther from the truth. These accelerators are
merely acting much like caffeine on the
body; forcing the “flight or fight” syndrome of the adrenals to work harder,
included in that acceleration on the the heart and nervous system. This wreaks
havoc on the body; causing adrenal fatigue, heart disease (even a heart attack
or stroke!) in young people trying to emulate the Hollywood idea of healthy.
I could go
on and on about the dangers of the wrong supplement but I find that if you can
get to an alternative healer; go to a reputable health food store; this does NOT
mean GNC or Vitamin Cottage, you can usually find some quality ingredients.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Susan G. Komen Foundation .....Telling the Truth??
This time of year is a trial for me. I am usually an outspoken person on anything that contradicts my belief system and cancer is one of my most heated debates in that area.
So I have watched this fall with dismay the annual campaign of the “Run For the Cure” by the Susan G. Komen organization and tried to think of a way to make some sense of this phenomenon.
I know you are asking; What's the problem? I mean aren't these good people really trying to help our women with the deadly disease of breast cancer? Aren't they fighting the good fight for all people with disease that racks the body with pain and disfigurement? Aren't they trying desperately to fix a horrible problem of a rampant disease that kills millions in this and other countries?
Well frankly no. NO they aren't healing, NO they aren't curing and NO they aren't helping people.
I know these comments will upset; even infuriate others but I've set back too long and watched the parade of pink ribbons strung across our nation; from shoes to shirts, from bumper stickers to flags. This is a hoax and I mean to show others about this problem.
The Susan G. Komen foundation was founded when the sister of Susan Goodman Komen; Nancy Goodman Brinker started this organization in memory of her late sister. Susan had died in 1980 of breast cancer and with that devastation; a promise to her dying sister to find a cure.
So the organization hit the media and today is a multi billion dollar business. Yet the incidence of breast cancer is higher than ever with stats showing it has actually increased every year from 1975 to today. These statistics are common knowledge with every physician in our country being completely aware of this!
So I ask. How does a multi billion dollar business look itself in the eye and say they're helping people? I imagine they're probably soothing themselves with the idea that some hidden issue is the real culprit; only waiting to be found by their top notch organization with millions done on research. I think they wish that others believe this as well and that they really don't want people to know the true issue and that is this. Chemo doesn't cure! Radiation doesn't heal! Breast mammograms can actually CAUSE cancer! These facts are well known by the medical community and yet millions of women do these things in the vain hope that they can prevent or stave off the cancerous cells another month; another year. All the while the organization is raking in billions of dollars; it's organization heads living very well off these monies while they garner fame and fortune; all on the backs and pocketbooks of good, well meaning people donating to this “worthy” cause.
Here are some facts to consider.
In 2010 the organization payed out $44,874,086 in salaries. This includes research, fund raising and the Race for the Cure programs among other things. This is supposed to be a non profit organization yet there seem to be many people who make quite a bit of money from this group. Some top CEO's of this organization made over $300,000 salary in 2011 to "help" those in need.
The organization managed to make $301,328,691 in donations but contributed millions to Planned Parenthood for their use in early detection. And although they temporarily stopped donations due to pressure from people with a dislike of this practice have now re-aligned with this group. The problem I have with this is that they do over 300,000 abortions a year along with their offer of free breast and cervical screenings. Then if they see a suspicious finding refer the patient to be treated with chemo and radiation therapy. The fact is; abortions have been known to increase a woman's chances of breast cancer by at least 50% in women over 45 and upwards to 800% in women who have never had a child that are under the age 18!
And although the organization swears the monies released to Planned Parenthood are not for abortion purposes; basically allow other monies to be freed up for those same abortions; which DO cause more incidences of cancer. This is just splitting hairs; the fact is; abortion is big business in this organization. If you call the hotline number you are asked if you want to talk to someone for screenings and therapy or if you want an abortion. That speaks volumes to me.
Here's the thing people. Cancer and treatments for it are HUGE business in our country and others. Statistically we spent $27 million on cancer in 1990 and $90 million in 2008!
So where is the "CURE"? This isn't about curing's about taking advantage of the problem for their own gain. The facts support that basically no one has gotten any farther in the quest for the cure for cancer in traditional medicine. In fact a well known study showed that a large percentage of oncologists would refuse traditional therapy if given the diagnosis of cancer!
So what remains? How do we actually combat this terrible disease? There are ways to heal the body. Many are simple and many are easy. The fact is; we are going the wrong way toward health and one of the quickest ways to be unhealthy is to follow the doctors advice in treating this illness and many others. Diet, lifestyle changes are huge in helping the body to overcome illness of any kind. Medicines are for the most part poisons; poisons designed to “kill” the bad cells. This is not effective as it also kills good cells as well; and lowers the body's resistance to other diseases; a well known secondary cause of death in cancer therapy patients. I should know. My own mother died not from the cancer racking her body but by an infection of the Pericardial Sac which caused an enlargement of the heart and heart failure. I was nine years old when my mother was buried.
So how to approach this problem? How do you find a cure for your cancer?
I would start by evaluating your lifestyle. Do you drink? Smoke? Do you eat greasy, fast food? Do you address stress? Are you on medication for illness? Are you overweight? Do you ever exercise? These are all precipitating factors in health issues of all kinds including cancer.
The first step is to see an alternative healer; someone who has experience in helping cancer and other illnesses. Then I would read up on therapies they suggest; do your homework. These things are well known and can be very helpful. Then if you wish; I would then take this to your physician and talk to them about it. Everyone needs to be informed and if your physician is really on your side; really wanting to help you; will recommend that you do your homework and make up your own mind. Run, do not walk away from a doctor who says alternative medicine is quackery. We herbalists have been around for thousands of years and know a couple of things about alternative treatments; things physicians are not taught in the medical schools of today.
Lastly; I do suggest listening to a higher my case that would be God. HE is my inspiration; not traditional medicine in healing and HE will heal me; through my work with alternative therapies. God bless and may God keep you all well.
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