Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Window to the Soul and to Health

This coming week will be busy with two clients at the new store and seeing others in their home. I love the chance to work one on one with people to help them get to a better place in their life! One of the best tools I have to work with is a study called Iridology. This is a study of the iris or colored part of the eye. I also do a little bit of work with the study of of the whites of the eye called Sclerology.

This fascinating work is over a hundred years old from a Hungarian physician named Ignatz Peczely. As a child he  noticed an owl with a broken leg and decided to try to help it heal. While working with this bird he saw that it had an unusual line in the iris of one eye. As he watched the bird heal, the line in the iris colored white; as if to show that the bone was also healed. Peczely realized as Iridologists everywhere now know, that the eye is not only the window to the soul but a window to health of the body.

Many people are skeptics to this study but I find that it dovetails nicely with my belief system of understanding how God shows us about the world around us. That may sound strange but if you were God and wanted to show the person that they had a health issue what better place to put it than the eye. After all who doesn't look into their own eyes each day as they put makeup on or shave? I believe God has a plan with this and it's up to us to interpret this vision of health.

I use two things along with my paperwork when I check the eye; a physicians light and a jewelers glass. I have the client sit normally and look at my nose directly while I shine the light in from the side toward the center of their face. I then put the magnifying tool up as close as necessary to see the iris clearly. 

 I take the time to write down what I see on an eye chart that has Iridology information. I have done this enough times to know most of it but this chart will help me to remember what may have changed after the initial visit. After looking at both eyes I make a recommendation of what might be going on.

It's important to note that although I may see an "eye sign" on the iris; the person may not have symptoms or there may only be a faint idea of something going on. I assure them that the eye is another place to look at to help with health and that diet and other factors will play a big part in feeling better. It's also important to note that as an Herbalist/Iridologist I only make suggestions of possible health issues and cannot and will not diagnose, treat or cure anyone. This is a study to show possible health issues; not a diagnostic tool of medicinal use.

So when I look at the eye what am I looking for? Here are a couple of examples of what I'm looking at and what to do about these conditions.

First is an eye of a person with a dark or brownish orange center of the iris. This condition is one with the colon and possibly the liver. A cleanse would work wonders and help the body to heal much faster. 
You will also notice in the eye picture above;  the pupil is not round but has some irregularities. This is most probably caused by a back that's out. A visit to the chiropractor is in order as well as a massage.

The next is a brown eye with lines that are going from the pupil outward. This is a condition of parasites. Parasites can be found in many people that work with animals or in poor conditions but is most probably a case of eating pork and shellfish. There is NO cooking method to rid these proteins of  parasites.This is contrary to the FDA and USDA recommendations!

You will also note that there are white lines going around the iris that look like cracks. These are stress rings and from the looks of all of them; long term stress as well. This can be physical as in the case of the body fighting parasites or outside influences of life.

Another thing I look for is an eye sign called a Psori. This dramatic eye sign can be from either emotional OR physical issues. I had one client that had an eye sign on his eye in the bladder area. This made no sense to me as he was a young man; in his early 20's. But after talking to him found out that he had bladder surgery as a baby. This would be both physical AND emotional as the trauma of being torn from his mothers arms for surgery left it's mark on the eye. An herbal and flower essence combination is in order.

So the next time you look at your eyes or look deeply into another's eyes; see if you can't see some of the things I gave examples of and if you're interested can give you some thoughts on how I may be able to help!

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