Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Live with Asthma Successfully

With the advent of rain finally in our area; I know some here will have some breathing issues. Humidity and more pollinating things will definitely take their toll.
But breathing issues are not as difficult to master as one might imagine. I have a house full of people diagnosed with asthma with my husbands at age 2, my daughter at 4 and my son at 3. I wasn’t given this label until 26 but carried the stigma of this breathing disorder from childhood on in symptoms.

So you ask; what is asthma? It’s a very commonly diagnosed term in the medical world with something like ten percent of the population having been given this name. But is information correct? Is the world getting more sick from environment and chemicals? Are we passing down more and more of our children this potentially deadly disease?
I tend to believe that although this is a much dirtier world with the spraying of fields, the chemically laden food and all the pollutants; that asthma is not on the rise. I DO believe that many have what is called Reactive Airway Disease. This is basically a vague term where the airways of a person are reacting to some issue. Asthma is a chronic, lifelong disease of the narrowing of the passage way to the lungs through the tube called the trachea, excess mucus and eventually scarring and some tissue death if left untreated. People with asthma in decades past could end up being barrel chested as they could sometimes get air in but not expel it fully; thus causing the lungs to become abnormally large. Many asthmatics died from complications of lack of air in the form of cardiac arrest.
As an alternative health person, I believe this is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases with a plethora of lung issues put into the “asthma basket”. 

The thing that I like people to know is this. It does not matter whether you have asthma or not! Being able to breathe only requires that you clean your system. And by cleaning I mean the colon and most especially the small intestine. In the alternative world we believe that asthma begins in those areas. A dirty intestinal system causes an overload of breathing issues.

Now as farfetched as that may sound; I have managed to keep my whole family off steroids, and have brought down inhaler use ( the only one using them) in my daughter to almost nil. She has had the worst time of it and several years ago went through a crisis of epic proportions in her health with this disease. After four episodes of flight for life, two of which were me saving her life by doing respirations, and two intubations; I knew we needed to change what was happening to her. The doctors didn’t have answers and in fact told me that my beautiful oldest child would not make it to become an elderly person;  that she would most likely die in five years. Well it’s been 6 and she is doing great!
So how did I get her and my other family members to health? I changed how we dealt with this problem. Our lungs, and in fact all lungs don’t like pollutants. People with a sensitive trachea will react to certain manmade chemicals and pollutants in our environment. But they react most when the elimination process is bogged down. Think of the colon as a garbage disposal. If it’s plugged up, if it’s not chewing up the garbage, it stops. Then the smell and the horrid mass inside of it start to make a terrible smell.
Well when we don’t digest, eliminate and remove waste and toxins from the body we will have a backup of dangerous waste. This basically causes the body to start having health issues. The most obvious ones are gas and bloating, feeling too full; lack of appetite and eventually breathing issues can arise.

I always reach for colon cleansing herbs when I cannot breathe. It works better than any inhaler I’ve ever used and I’ve found that after getting off steroids, that my lungs work better than they have in many years past!
My daughter is living in a dryer climate and has finally learned that she cannot wait to treat her issues. She cannot just hope it goes away as she has done in younger years but reaches for the supplements that I’ve provided. Most notably is Breathe Activator which is a Chinese remedy from Nature’s Sunshine. This works similar to an inhaler with help in small situations of inflammation of the trachea. Then I have her use Lung Support which is most like a steroid in the fact that it helps the lungs long term to be stronger and healthier with less inflammation. If it’s a crisis situation we like to use Lobelia which is an ancient Native American remedy for many lung issues. It is sometimes been called Puke Weed for its properties of making an unclean colon react to toxins by making the recipient of it throw up; thus removing the offending toxins and allowing the person to breathe better.

I realize that to ask a person to not use their inhaler or steroid is asking a great deal and I would NEVER tell a person to get off of their prescribed medicine. But if someone is not happy with the asthma treatment ( in my line of work see this frequently) I tell them our story.

I will say a few things about this process for us. The first thing I dropped was the steroid. Steroids are not a great medicine for long term health and although they do stop inflammation can cause serious damage to the immune system. This is a dangerous thing to do to an asthmatic! It’s much better to treat inflammation with herbs and diet and learning what to be around and what to avoid.
I NEVER use Lobelia or suggest this if you are on a steroid as it can cause blood pressure problems and life threatening issues. If you do use Lobelia please talk to your physician first and always keep at least two hours separate from any herbal supplements and prescription or over the counter medications.
Asthma and Reactive Airway Disease can be helped with common sense treatments and if you listen to your body and not the status quo in treatments you may find that you will be a healthier and much happier person!

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