Monday, November 29, 2010

Live to Fight another Day

With the advent of the holiday season a great deal of people feel the pressure to get things done and the stress of the season can take it’s toll. One of the worst things that can happen are stressors. These are things that bombard the body to cause potential illness if left unchecked.

 Stressors include money woes; too much work; cold season and even poor diet. It’s a common mistake to not get enough water during the cold season as we aren’t triggered by thirst as we would be during the hot summer months. But we need water even more when it’s a cold dry climate as this time can be. And a dehydrated body is prone to all sorts of illness. Couple that with a huge inundation of sugar and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.

The most common illness is an upset stomach followed in popularity by the flu or a seasonal cold with headaches coming in a close third. These things are easily preventable with a few common sense steps.

First off; hydration and sleep are the most important things you can do. You might not be able to resist grandma’s sugar cookies but if you eat sensibly with the cookie and drink lots of water with it; you may not get the tummy or headache ache common to this type of eating. AND the added benefit of hydration allows the body to rid itself of a toxic condition that sugar provides and may even help shed those extra calories.

Sleep is the most overlooked and underappreciated thing we do this time of year and I have found that if I have several sleepless nights in a row; I can just mark on the calendar the following week will be fraught with either a cold sore or a cold or both! The body just does not have the reserves that it should if we do not repair with sleep.

The next thing that seems to always happen; especially if we are not eating and sleeping right; is to go to the crowded department stores and catch a virus or bacteria. This is such a perfect environment for illness; a virtual Petri dish of germs just waiting for a home!  So do we avoid these places? Are we to forgo the famous “Black Friday” specials in lieu of good health? It’s not always possible to stay away from those places and it’s not always going to help us keep away from illness. But if we arm our immune system with good food, sleep, water and common sense we can go a long way toward good health.

One thing that we can do if we just don’t have the ability to take as good of care of ourselves is to take herbal supplements to offset the devastating things we do to our body.

 One of my favorite herbs to take is to balance my pH with either Chlorophyll or minerals to help the body’s defense. A body that is alkaline is not going to be a good environment for bugs so pH is paramount to great health. Another thing I always keep on hand and use every day during flu season is Colloidal Silver. I also keep a tube of Silver Shield Gel in my purse for those times when I have to enter a grocery or department store. This is especially true if I know that those places are giving flu vaccines and nasal spray for the seasonal illness. Contrary to popular science information; this CAN cause you to get ill! So I try to arm myself with a shield of silver to offset this potential danger. Please note that this is NOT the same as sani wipes that are so popular. If you use those on your hands; you are basically wiping a pesticide on them! Who needs more chemicals in our body? No one!

If by some chance the flu or other viral or bacterial infection starts to hit; take immediate action in the form of immune boosters such as Elderberry; Garlic, Capsicum, Echinacea or Vitamin C; especially a type called Citrus Bioflavonoid. If you take immediate action followed by rest and hydration you may well find that you will be healthy enough to fight another day; AND without spreading illness to the rest of the family!

So make sure that you fill your medicine cabinet with herbs to help the immune system; your refrigerator with great food and your body with good herbs, water and nutrition and you will sail through this sometimes stressful time of year like a breeze!

1 comment:

  1. My biggest problem is not getting enough sleep, but until my three year old stops having night terrors & stuff, there's not much to be done. I do drink lots of water though!
    You've posted some great advice, Kim, and I'm sure it will help lots of people. Nice work.
