Sunday, September 29, 2013

Killing Pain

Pain killers are the number one prescribed medicine of the world today. But when I looked up some facts was astounded to see that Americans consume over 80% of the world’s pain killers. The article stated that we here in the states over 110 TONS of opiates for pain control are used every YEAR!
That statistical fact floored me. Think about that for a minute. Opiates are far and away the most addictive; dangerous drug to date and yet we're popping those pills like there's no tomorrow apparently. Not that this is the only pain medicine either; which blows my mind even more.

But let’s just stick with opiate pain meds here. Opiates are from the poppy family with the majority of the plants being grown for use in mostly Asian countries for legal and illegal distribution.
Heroin; Morphine, Codeine, Oxycodone (Oyxcontin) all fall under the beautiful if deadly flower of opium.
While there are many uses for pain medicine; and some of them are vital to immediate relief of pain; the dangers of its addictive qualities are what make it so bad.
After addiction the long term damage can happen almost without realizing it.

Here are some facts on opiates when used long term:
Addison's disease
Cardiovascular disease
Brain damage
Kidney and Liver damage
Depression including serotonin and taurine deficiency
Hyperalgesia (more pain)
Hormone disruption; including low sperm count and other infertility issues
Addiction and Death

Now while I do not discount someone's need for pain relief do have issue with use of these drugs for anything above emergency use.
There are many treatments for pain in the alternative world; but they involve finding the BASE of the pain and working on that rather than a band-aid approach to it.

How to stop pain naturally with Willow Bark Tincture

As an herbalist I'm always on the look out for lovely natural remedies for health issues. Most pain issues have an underlying cause but sometimes the cure can take weeks to fix. Most people are not willing to wait weeks to feel better.
So most would rather grab the Tylenol bottle to fix the sprained ankle; or the lower back pain from a weekend warrior session.

But this only works minimally and is not a great overall health fix in that it damages organs of the body.
So what to do to fix this?

A tincture is perfect! Tinctures are typically plants or plant parts steeped in alcohol to get the medicinal benefit from them. White willow bark is what aspirin USED to be made of; a great anti-inflammatory and great for those little aches and pains of every day life.

I buy a reputable quality dried White Willow Bark from an online source but you can get it from the tree. Just remember that it needs to be organic; not sprayed by anything at all.

Here is my recipe:

1/5 white willow bark to 4/5 grain alcohol such as vodka or alcohol is fine.
A large quart jar; clean and dry with a lid
cheesecloth or a fine herbal strainer
brown or cobalt colored eye dropper jars

In the jar put about 1/5 of the jar to bark; fill up with the alcohol.
Shake vigorously for a minute and place in a cool dark place for about 2 to 3 months.
Strain through a strainer and pour into the clean dropper bottles as needed. Label and store in a clean dark place. Do not refrigerate; do not put near electricity or in sunlight.

To Use:
Put 30 to 60 drops into a glass of water as needed to stop pain. This can be done 4 times a day to elieviate pain.

*Note: this is a product that can thin blood so don't use with blood thinners and don't use with kids without a doctors ok.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Disturbing Trend

I read with dismay the latest celeb to chop off her breasts in a valiant effort to stave off cancer. Angelina Jolie decided to have a double mastectomy after learning that tests revealed that she may have an 87% chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime.
Now as appalling as this procedure is to me I do understand the fear. After all who wouldn't be afraid of dying from such a disease? But the facts are that there is NO tests that can truly predict you getting cancer. In fact the latest mammogram facts are dismal with many false positives and false negatives to be a great marker for health. The thing is this. NO ONE knows who will get cancer or any other disease unless it's a genetic one of chromosomes.
There are many factors in the world of health and I imagine that Ms Jolie has the odds in favor with a good lifestyle and healthy habits to protect her.
As for her choice to do this; I absolutely do believe a person has a right to do what they wish with their own body. But this is a dangerous trend in that she announced it to the world and encouraged others to get tested. THAT bothers me. Just because she believes it;  will make many follow in hero worship right onto the operating table to have their breasts chopped off....after all it's a great way to stop cancer right? Didn't Angelina say so?
The thing is; cancer is not one disease; breast cancer is but one of MANY types of cancers. If your body is unhealthy; if your pH is off; if you smoke, drink or do other unhealthy lifestyles you have a greater risk of disease of any kind. Cutting ones breasts off is not a protection from another cancer coming for you.
So what next? A kidney removed? A colon taken out? How about taking at least one lung?
The whole "chicken little" scenario is freaking me out.
I wonder ....would a man be willing to have his testicles removed if they were healthy in an effort to save himself? How about a radical mastectomy for men? They get breast cancer as well you know. Or maybe we should line men up for prostate removal....a major cancer spot in men. Have them remove those pesky organs.....after all we've done that to millions of know where the word "hysterectomy" comes from don't you? Women's hormones got out of whack so they yanked out the offending organs and called it a hysterectomy so the women wouldn't be hysterical anymore....nice huh?!
Somehow I get the creepiest feeling that some Dr Mengele is behind all this horrifying trend to experiment on women. And that bothers me very much. You think I'm being stupid? So let me ask you this; when was the last time you saw a guy have his nut sack mashed in a machine to test for lumps and maybe cancer? But millions of women subject themselves to this very procedure; all in the name of "health"....and are browbeaten if they don't.
I just think when a woman has an issue we seem to go too far in "protecting" her from her body betraying her.....but where is the fear in men? Are they just tougher or is it the predominantly male scientific population that seems to think it's ok to try these things on women?
I know from personal experience the devastating loss of a person I love to cancer. I'm not belittling those who've had it or have been in my shoes. But we need to take a collective breath here people and THINK of the long term consequences of mutilating our body's before we decide to take the plunge that we cannot undo in having a major surgical procedure like this.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I've been studying very hard the aspects of herbology with a friend and the subject of how I came to this alternative health path came up.
I thought back to when I believed health involved doctors and medicines, tests and worry about weight and the continuous fear of cancer and diabetes always in the back of my mind. This treadmill of feeling that I had no choice; that I had no say in what to do about it was very depressing. I considered as most do, the eventual betrayal of my body was just a matter of time.

Yet I always thought that there must be a better way; a simpler way to health and with it the happiness; peace of mind. So when my health was worse; my mental state was down; I decided that I needed to heed the ideas being shown to me from an alternative health source. This led me to my new career as an herbalist and a sense of confidence that I’m finally making a difference in the lives of my family and others.
I can’t say that it’s been a cake walk. I was more than a little surprised that although most people didn't agree with me (some finding me humorous at the least; dangerous at the most) their attitude was a bit disheartening. I guess I didn't realize the extent of people’s belief system would be so entrenched in the ideas that they held dearly as to be threatened by mine.

You see I've always been the “why” kind of person; you know the kid that always asks that question? That was me. I didn't necessarily disagree with someone all the time but I did want to know the path to that conclusion. I just thought everyone was like me with this idea of always questioning why. I could not have been more wrong.
I've been criticized several times in the last days; by people I thought to be my friends; my neighbors….I realized that when people feel threatened by what they seem think is an attack on  the status quo; will do anything to hold onto what they feel is safe. They may even strike out.

I have tried to always analyze people’s behavior to read them for my own protection and understanding. But this just baffled me. I mean didn't these people that I talked to want to heal? Don’t people want to understand how the earth holds secrets with help in every direction? Apparently not from where I sit.
So that led me to try to figure out the human condition; the thought processes by which we reach the conclusions of our life. I realize that although I’m a pretty analytical kind of person; not all are. Most would rather have an “expert” in a field tell them what’s safe; what’s important and what’s good for them. I am not in that category at all.

Now you will say that maybe I’m just trading my belief in one to a belief in another area; allowing another set of “experts” to show me the path to health rather than a physician. No that’s not the case. When I took the Masters course I studied everything. I took notes and then compared them to experience with using the supplements and ideas given to me. I studied my family while they took supplements and read tons of bits of information pro and against this line of thinking. Remember, I’m the “why” kind of person and don’t just follow willy nilly into a spot because someone says to.

All studies that I did, I took with a grain of salt; and although I trust my teacher very much have to find the answer for myself. It’s just my nature to do so. Again and again I found this information to be correct, every time! That was amazing to me. I couldn't believe that the previous path by which I’d been led to health was going in such a wrong direction as to make me sicker.  Furthermore, I realized that the people in charge of this locomotive of health weren't caring about the damage they had done and would do to me and countless others but just mowed us all over in their effort to get richer.

After years of soul searching I've come to the conclusion that we are basically just children at heart. We want to believe; we want to feel safe; we want to have a “mommy and daddy” take care of us. It’s a big scary world out there and the idea that a fatherly type doctor or a government agency can make it all better is pretty powerful stuff. I should know as I did it most of my life.
I also realized this week that we are easily swayed by important figures in our society. I don’t know why that took so long to sink in; after all aren't most of us glued to the TV set this week for Super Bowl? Aren't we cheering for our “heroes” on the field? Or maybe we’re watching the presidential inauguration today with misty eyes; convinced a president is the answer to all our ills in society.

This was brought home to me today when I watched a story on TV about a boy who lives by a Nazi concentration camp. He befriends a boy in the camp that’s Jewish. When he asked his parents about the “boy in the pajamas” he’s told that they aren't really people. How does a nation; in fact how do several nations of people come to the conclusion that a race of people are sub-human? How do intelligent, loving, caring parents, teachers and heads of state believe such a horrendous thing?
I won’t go into the long version that smarter people than me have concluded, but suffice to say they are brain washed by a person or groups of people that make them feel better because they are the “experts” who just want to help them. And so millions were murdered because a psychopath decided to try to rule the world. And we almost let it happen.

Now I find that the world has many “experts” who want to have a monopoly on the world; through control by money; they are stealing the most important thing we have….our health. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve watched those commercials in the media about medicines that are held in a romantic light of making things all better even though they state the obvious dangers right in the commercial! And yet we go to the doctor and get a prescription, hopeful it will help! We have been led to believe that that is NORMAL to have those side effects; even though there are many other alternatives that work as well or better than them. And the cost of poisoning ourselves is horrific while they, the “experts” get rich off your suffering.

We are paying for people to kill us slowly.

I just have to shake my head and remind myself that I cannot save everyone; and in point of fact I am not SUPPOSED to! People are supposed to care for themselves! People are supposed to make their own conclusions on how to care for themselves!
If we learn about our health; our body….how medicines affect it and how diet and supplements can help; THEN we will have optimum health!

Be careful of anyone (including a person like me!) of telling you what’s good for your body. Don’t just accept that if someone you trust says something you follow what they say.  Be informed and most of all listen to your body and how it reacts to what you put on and in it!
The government is not looking out for your health because they are in the money making business; not the health business. Yes I have a business as well but will never tell you what you have to purchase; I’ll never look you in the eye and scare you with my ideas just to make a sale for my benefit.  I give you information and a place to buy supplements IF YOU WISH. I do not diagnose, treat or cure. YOUR body does! God does! The government and I don’t heal you. That is your job.
If you want to be a “sheep” being led to slaughter that is also your choice. I have no say; nor should I, in this decision. Just make sure that you make an informed one for the best choice for you and for your family.