Friday, February 13, 2015

Vaccine Fury

Today while watching the news; came across this post about how we should do something about people who don’t vaccinate their kids. Now for most people that would be a no brainer. I mean really; most people do vaccinate. And while I have other thoughts on this I will say we seem to be overstepping boundaries in the effort to “keep people safe”.

First off let me say I am in no way stating we should get rid of vaccines. I am simply stating that some people choose not to vaccine and have their reasons for it. Be it religious, health or philosophical; there are people that wish to remain vaccine free.

Now having said that let me state that after terrible health issues with my own two kids; I too wish I’d never vaccinated. The problem is that I was never told I COULD opt out. I was told that it was mandatory to attend school; that as a parent I had to do it. As a young mother I believed my doctor; I believed my school district.
That was simply an untruth told to help us all to comply.

When my daughter started having health issues; and my son as well; I still didn’t want to believe my physician would do this. After all it was for my child’s well being; right?
Instead we endured years of asthma; eczema, allergies, and in my daughter’s case; 104 degree fevers after each vaccination. Then the mood swings and emotional issues that lasted well into her mid twenties.She was very underweight and had numerous health issues that kept her from gaining ground. When I finally got her to a therapist who wanted to run some tests; found she had a brain injury. I looked back at her health issues and realized they started at about 5 weeks… fact right after her first shots.
She went into 24 hour a day colic. For NINE months.
My son was luckier; he only had skin issues but those were frightful to say the least. Sometimes he’d break out from head to toe with a weeping rash that hurt like the dickens and gave him years of embarrassment later on in life. Some kids in school said he had ringworm and were told by their parents to avoid him.

So when I look at the parents of the non vaccinated kids I don’t see a bunch of long haired groupies for the Grateful Dead. I see parents like me that either had issues with vaccinations or knew of someone who did suffer. I see parents that like me read every single study; every single story on vaccinations here and around the world to glean every bit of information pertaining to this perplexing problem.

And when I see people with blood in their eye; screaming obscenities at those that have injured kids I have to cringe. That’s when I get frustrated; mad at those people.
But the problem is actually the same on both sides. We ALL want our kids to be safe; that’s all. No one wishes another child to be sick; no one wishes harm on another person.

The difference is that in demanding the non vaccinated become vaccinated is that it won’t “cure” anything. It won’t “eradicate” any disease. It might slow it down; it might not. I’ve seen studies after studies on both sides swearing that vaccinations save lives or that they kill millions. But when I see the Gates Foundation getting sued because there are 174,000 cases of paralysis in India from the oral polio vaccine and see them working with groups like Monsanto; I’m suspicious.

The real problem here is not that people both have a differing opinion. It’s all the BS out there about what is the truth. I know from personal experience that vaccines can maim. I’ve lived with that issue for most of my adult life. I know that they don’t stop disease. I had more than one round of measles and mumps vaccines and yet got both; actually three as I had both the three day and German measles. I also got the chicken pox infection twice.
Yet here I am to prove that I survived both disease and vaccination.
How well I survived vaccination is a debate. My health is precarious. I have had lung issues my entire life; I’ve had pneumonia and bronchitis too many times to count and have been sick almost my whole life; until I got into herbal supplements. Is vaccinating me to blame? I am suspicious that it may well be.

So why all the outrage from everyone on this measles “epidemic”? Do you realize that during the Clinton administration we had one year in the USA Of 27,000 cases of measles? I don’t recall anyone panicking at that time or calling for mandatory vaccinating do you?

Yet here we are; throwing our hands in the air and demanding that all be vaccinated against what used to be a childhood illness.
Here are some examples I’m seeing this week.

I have become very weary of the media blurbs that dance across the TV screen each day with the “expert of the day” giving his or her two cents on the state of Chicken Little with everyone in a dither over the non vaccinated.
And I have to wonder….. who’s behind these reports really? With vaccination rates in the high 90’s in most states why all the panic over something like a hundred cases of measles? And NO deaths I might add? There have been no cases of measles related deaths in the USA since 2003 so what’s REALLY going on?

I believe this is a way for pharmaceutical companies to make some dough. Because anyone with two brain cells in their head can see that these companies make BILLIONS on these vaccinations.
And a little known fact in the public is that they cannot be sued if your child is injured. Instead the government in its all too often pushiness has decided they needed protection. But from what? Aren’t vaccines safe?  (insert sarcasm here). You will be reimbursed by the federal government by the vaccine injury compensation program which pays you out of money YOU paid for by buying that vaccine in the first place.
Is the USA a great place to live in or what?!! (insert a second dose of sarcasm here)

Here’s the deal. I believe that the government wants to control everything you do; from whether you can smoke or drink to what kind of parent you will be. I believe that if you don’t comply they will be working toward making it their legal right to take your ability to parent from you...preferably with extreme prejudice.

Now to many that may come as a shock; to many it may sound like I’M Chicken Little. It matters not at all to me whether you believe me or not.
This post was to let people know that they need to be informed. If you do not believe me I invite I demand that you look up the stats yourself. Become informed on what you are doing to your body; demand to know what the ingredients are in your vaccines! Bemand that as a parent you have the absolute right to vaccinate if you wish; OR NOT….it should be your choice...not the government or the society that you live in.
And remember. The person you are seeing with all the information on vaccinating may well be doing this for the all mighty dollar and not for your health at all.